How To Defeat Procrastination While Writing


Procrastination is the opposite of productivity. It is a work avoidance behavior that can have a myriad of underlying causes, mostly rooted in fear and a lack of confidence or an addiction to pressure or perfectionism. Procrastination is frustrating. It saps the will and the courage to just get started and the more prolonged it … Read more…

How To Deal With Your Writing Critics


Your inner creative has done battle with your inner critic and triumphed with a completed manuscript. You’ve done numerous revisions and survived the editorial process. You’ve impressed your publisher or self-published. The cover art is magnificent. Everything is done; your book is on the market and finally you can call yourself a published author. As … Read more…

How To Stay Positive When Writing Your First Book: Tips on Writing a Book


While all writers wish they could just pour their stories out onto the screen or page literally by a process of osmosis, writing means actually having to put in the physical hours. It is a time consuming process that demands dedication, patience, perseverance, and discipline and sometimes the slog seems all too overwhelming. In order … Read more…