
How To Stay Positive When Writing Your First Book: Tips on Writing a Book

While all writers wish they could just pour their stories out onto the screen or page literally by a process of osmosis, writing means actually having to put in the physical hours. It is a time consuming process that demands dedication, patience, perseverance, and discipline and sometimes the slog seems all too overwhelming. In order to not lose heart and keep going, accept that you’re in it for the long haul. And follow these tips to help you stay positive.

Don’t Bite Off More Than You Can Chew

When writing a novel, breaking your book project down into small, achievable goals and setting daily, weekly and even monthly milestones makes the overall project seem entirely less daunting. You’re, in effect, mapping a path to the finish line with checkpoints along the way. Make it visual by marking your milestones on a calendar or in a diary. Giving yourself a big tick at the end of the day gives you a sense of accomplishment at another day’s work well done, sustains your momentum and makes your end goal seem that much more attainable.

Pat Yourself on the Back

Acknowledge the goals you have achieved and reward yourself for meeting your set time and/or word quotas. Give yourself some time off to escape from your solitary writer’s existence and socialize. Enjoy a meal out, a glass of wine; go read a book, watch your favorite TV program or play a game; whatever your particular idea of a reward is, indulge yourself.

Don’t Ignore Your Health

Do take breaks to stretch, exercise, dance, and breathe fresh air. Make sure to eat right and get enough sleep. A healthy body is important for a productive and creative mind, so take care of yourself if you want to be writing for years to come. Obviously, there are times when you will naturally go at it harder than at other times. And ideally you want to stick to your milestones but be flexible enough to listen to your body – it’s all about balance.

Seek Support

Accountability counts and it can help to have an external auditor. Join a writing group that aids and encourages you to keep going. For more about picking the perfect writing group for you, click here. Or buddy up with another writer and check in with him/her daily or weekly to report back on your progress.

Don’t Become Your Own Worst Enemy

Don’t run yourself down. If it helps you stay positive, pin a favorite inspirational quote on your desk, pin board, or mirror; wherever you’re going to see it often.

Or look for a daily positive quote to boost your confidence. Believe in your ability and weigh up your fear of failure with the regret you might feel you don’t give it your best shot.


If you’re struggling with a particular scene or chapter and it’s getting you down, brainstorm it. Try some creative writing exercises or free association and imagine the most ridiculous outcomes. Or step away from it and work on another scene or chapter. You’ll come back to that troublesome section with fresh insight. Sometimes rereading what you’ve already written can spark an idea about how to get on. Use your plot outline as a guide to remind yourself where you’re going with your book and get you back on track.