
Welcome to, where independent authors and publishers come to get the promotion they deserve.

Being an independent author is not an easy thing to do.

Indie authors don’t have the same budgets as high-profile authors. They don’t have the same access to big name publishing houses, full of marketing dollars and promotional tools. They don’t have the same access to national bookstores or other retail outlets. And they don’t have the same social influence in society, because they can’t get their message out in front of a large enough audience.

As an independent author myself, I know this problem all too well.

Making a splash in the book community and getting yourself to stand out is no easy task—especially in the digital world. Oftentimes, indie authors will spend years writing their first book, only to abandon it after facing the daunting task of release and promotion.

At, we hope to change all of this. We are a community of indie authors who are passionate about writing, about reading, and most importantly, about other indie authors.

promote-your-bookWe want to see other independent authors succeed because we find intrinsic value in self-publishing and creative expression.

We know that self-published authors have tight budgets and don’t have much money to spend, which is why we created

For around 25 cents per day, authors can promote their books to thousands of readers and other independent authors online. This kind of exposure is invaluable to the life of your book, and we have priced it affordably, so any author can comfortably afford it—no matter his or her budget.

By becoming a community member, authors will be able to boost their online image and create a buzz about their works on social media.

We know that every author out there wants his or her book to be read, and we are here to make that happen.

Our authors have had great success in getting their works in the hands of new and potential readers, and since we are a community of fellow authors, readers, and publishers, we all help each other out.

Become a member today, and get the exposure that your work deserves.
